Info Loker BUMN, PT Sarinah (Persero) Buka Lowongan Kerja dengan Sejumlah Posisi Menarik

- 11 Oktober 2021, 15:31 WIB
Info Loker BUMN, PT Sarinah (Persero) Buka Lowongan Kerja dengan Sejumlah Posisi Strategis
Info Loker BUMN, PT Sarinah (Persero) Buka Lowongan Kerja dengan Sejumlah Posisi Strategis /facebook/sarinah indonesia

2. General Manager Export & Import

Qualifications :

  • University graduate in all major and related field with strong relevant experiences
  • Have minimum 10 years experience in export, import especially in retail and/or B2B industry
  • Proven solid track record to develop new export markets and have strong network with overseas buyers
  • Having strong business sense to grow the expert market and ensure the bottom-line target is achieved
  • Having a strong commercial understanding
  • Having a solid understanding of the international market and being able to translate opportunities for Indonesian products into business performance.
  • Good understanding, experience, and knowledge of expert-import administration (BL, Packing List, Inovoice, L/C, Insurance, etc)
  • Have a strong collaboration with the Indonesia Trade Promotion Centre (TPC) across the globe, Indonesia Embassies, Consulate Generals, and other organizations in an effort to open opportunities to introduce Indonesian products especially small-medium enterprises (UMKM) products, and find the relevant distribution channels and/or buyers for export
  • Proficient in export regulations in the destination country especially on the regulatory aspects, local import duties, etc.
  • Subject Email : GM EXIM – Your Name

Baca Juga: Melihat Caption Instagram Finky Pasamba Bikin Banyak Pertanyaan Fans PSIS Semarang

3. Key Account Manager Export

Qualifications :

  • University graduate in all major and related fields with strong relevant experiences
  • Have minimum 5 years eperience in export, especially in retail and/or B2B industry
  • Proven solid track record to design & implement export strategies relevant to the markets/channels of distribution (online & offline).
  • Experienced to develop and organize local and international exhibitions
  • Having strong business sense to meet to bottom-line target
  • Having a strong collaboration with the Indonesia Trade Promotion (TPC) across the globe, Indonesia Embassies, Consulate Generals, and the rest in an effort to open opportunities to introduce Indonesia products especially small-medium enterprises (UMKM) products, and find the relevant distribution channels and/or buyers for export
  • Proficienin export regulations in the destination country especially on the regulatory aspects, local import duties, etc.
  • Strong relationship building, networking, negotating, creative, and customer-solution oriented
  • Subject Email : Key Account Manger Export – Your Name

Baca Juga: Finky Pasamba, Gattusonya PSIS Semarang Nyetatus Begini, Ada Apa?

Bagi Anda merasa tertantang dan tertarik dengan loker BUMN di PT Sarinah (Persero), segera kirimkan CV dan dokumen pendukung lainnya ke e-mail : [email protected].***


Editor: Muhammad Nurrozikan

Sumber: Loker BUMN


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